Hike from the Caracasbay over the Caracasbay peninsula with a visit to several historical buildings in this area. An alternative route goes to the top of the Kabrietenberg (mountain of the goats) after visiting the historical buildings. A third option is to extend either of these two tracks by following an alternative route back to the car.
Highlights of this trip:
- Fort Beekenburg which was built in the beginning of the 18th century (1703)
- The former water building
- Quarantine building
- View over the Spanish water
- Nice nature trail around the mountain or nice view from the top of the mountain
The car can be parked at the parking place in front of the last restaurant at the Caracasbay. There are always people here and I have never had any bad experience parking here. Don't park anywhere on the peninsula itself because it is very common there to break into your car by smashing a window. Don't leave anything of value in your car wherever you park.
Description of the trail (common part in blue on the map)
For a map of the trail check the download link below under the heading "Trail map". Also the track is available for download there.
After parking the car the hike starts by following the asphalt road in the direction of the fort. First along the coast and then to the left; there is a pool at the left where often waterbirds can be found. There is also a pool at the right but that pool is often dry. Follow the road and go right at the T-crossing. Another pool is at your left hand side. This pool can sometimes color bright pink because of bacteria in the water. At your right hand side you see the fort. Enter the fort by climbing the stairs. The for was built in 1703 but it took till 1750 before it was completed. The fort was used to protect the large bay. During the second world war there where Dutch soldiers housed here once again to protect the bay; this time against the Germans. On the peninsula a lot of oil storage tanks were built by the Shell; the refinery and also the oil storage was very valuable to the allied troops as fuel so these assets had to be protected. Some remainders of the second world war buildings can still be found here.
In the leftmost corner of the fort wall close to the water an old bathroom can still be found. Close to the entrance of the innermost fort wall another 2-person bathroom can be found. In the fort tower there is still a water storage(visible from the corridor) and an ammunition bunker (under a closed hatch on the top floor). A large water building can be found on the fort terrain. You can take a look at the large reservoir by climbing the stairs of that water building.
Leave the fort and walk along the former sulfur building, better known as the Baya Beach restaurant and now in use as a church on Sunday. Continue straight on and follow the asphalt road till you reach the side road to the Quarantine building. Go to that building and look around. Afterwards go back to the asphalt road and turn right. Continue on the asphalt road till you reach a dirt road at your left hand. Follow the dirt road; after a while it once again reaches the asphalt road. Go left. After a short distance the road turns left but you have to continue straight on. Very soon you will see a small path at your right hand side. There the trail around the mountain starts. If you choose the alternative route to the top you have to continue for some additional meter to see a second path at your right hand side. There the trail to the top of the mountain starts.
Around the mountain (continue with blue on the map)
For the trail around the mountain take the first path; continue on this path. When you see paths to your right ignore these and continue straight on. You will pass a large overhanging rock; an ideal place for a short rest. Then continue along the path; after a while you will pass another large overhanging rock. The path continues closer to the water. You can choose to continue even closer to the water or higher up. The path closest to the water leads you to some nice mangroves but that path is sometimes under water. Both paths combine after a while and then go up again. Continue on the path; once again there will be an option to continue very close to the water or a bit higher up; either choice is good although the path closest to the water can sometimes be under water.
After a while you reach a small stairway; this dates back to the Shell period. Go up the stairs and another set of stairs till you reach the asphalt road again. Turn right and follow the asphalt road back to the car.
To the top of the mountain (orange on the map)
For the trail to the top of the mountain you take the second path. Follow this path till you reach the top where you can enjoy a nice view over the Spanish Water. After a rest there you take the same path back; when you reach the start of the path you turn right and follow the small path, the broader path and then the asphalt road back to the car.
Extension on the way back to the car (red on the map)
If you want to extend the hike a bit more you can go straight on in a curve in the asphalt road where a broad dirt road starts. That dirt road leads along the coast and in the end also gets you back at the car.
Track of this hike on Wikiloc
Link to the track of this hike on Wikiloc (opens in a new window).
Alternative route to the top of the Kabrietenberg (Wikiloc)
The track can be downloaded but a better option is to install the Wikiloc app on your smartphone; when you click on the download link with the app installed on your phone the link opens in Wikiloc (can take some time) and you are able to follow the track.
It appears that this only works for the paid Premium version of this app.
As an alternative the free version of the Locus Map can be used. To use this app you need to download the track in GPX-format either from Wikiloc or directly from this page (see below under "Trail map").
Fort Beekenburg
Original canons on the first bastion
Guard house on the first bastion
Top of the fort - view on the Kabrietenberg
On our way to the top
A rare cactus - look at the small flower at the left
Triangulation point made by Shell
Panoramic view from the top
Trail map (download)
Map with route; right click and Save As